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Contract Analysis Service |
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Scientific Instrument |
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Reagents/Materials |
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Bioinformatics Software |


We import and sell our supplier's product & services, and/or provide
bioscience analysis services in our own laboratories.
◆Contract Analysis Service
We provide services that utilize analysis technology in the bioscience
We provide analyasis services carried out in our own laboratories, or out
in cooperation with overseas partners. It supports a wide range of applications
that are effective for biomarker discovery, and drag discovery, and disease
research such as cancer research and autoimmune deseases.
For example…
・real time PCR
・Microarray (e.g. Gene expression)
・Next-generation seuquencing
・Mass spectrometry (e.g. Proteomics, Metabolomics)
・Immunoassay (e.g. ELISA, western blotting, other biomarker discovery)
・Microscopic imaging
◆Scientific Instrument
We import evolutional scientific instruments to make the cutting-edge technologies
available for researchers in Japan. Localized documentations and technical
support are quite important for researchers to get full advantages of those
technologies. We can cover from sales to after-sales support including
training and technical support. We also manufacture unique instruments.
Please refer to "Global" section for the details.
We import research reagents, materials and consumables to support Japanese
researchers. We have a lineup of products related to life sciences, biochemicals,
and nanomaterials from all over the world.
For example…
・PCR/Real time PCR Kit
・NGS Panel
・Carbon Materials (e.g. CNT, Graphene, Fullerene)
・Quantum Dots (e.g. Perovskite, PbS, Cd compound)
・2D materials (e.g. MoS2, Graphite, CVD)
・Inorganic and Metallic nanomaterials
◆Bioinformatics Software
We procure bioinformatics software for research and development from all
over the world. In addition, we offer technical support in Japanese and
webinars to provide high-quality excellent support.

◆Contract Analysis Service
We provide services that utilize analysis technology in the bioscience
We provide analyasis services carried out in our own laboratories. It supports
a wide range of applications that are effective for biomarker discovery,
and drag discovery, and disease research such as cancer research and autoimmune
For example…
・real time PCR
・Microarray (e.g. GeneChip/Antibody Array)
・Immunoassay (e.g. ELISA, Simple Plex, ECL, Bio-Plex, other biomarker discovery)
DNA Microarray
We provide microarray analysis service using ClariomTM S Assay of Thermo Fisher Scientific. |
◆Scientific Instrument
We Provide our own brand instruments in Japan and some foreign countries
such as USA and China. Our product line includes osmium plasma coaters,
UV ozone cleaners and vacuum electron staining apparatus. All of these
are robust and achieve high level of safety. |
Overseas supplier relationship
Sample Prep. Equipment for Electron Microscope
Osmium Plasma Coater
Deposit osumium film or Plasma polymerized film on SEM and TEM specimen.
Time and film thickness are configurable so that you can get good film
with high reproducibility. |
Vacuum Electron Staining Apparatus
Our unique vacuum electron staining method provides a new age for electron
staining. With this novel method, TEM/SEM samples can be stained easily,
safely and reproducibly. |
Surface Cleaning Equipment / Surface Reforming Equipment
UV Ozone Cleaner
Our UV Ozone Cleaner removes organic contaminants from sample surface.
This cleaning method is dry and sample will not be damaged. Various models
are available. You can select size, the type of UV lamp. |