CLC Workbench 搭載機能比較一覧 |
Next Generation Sequencing analysis |
De novo assembly /Reference assembly(Next Generation sequencing data) |
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Advanced SNP detection / SNP reporting / Advanced DIP detection / DIP reporting |
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ChIP Sequence/small・microRNA Analysis |
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Quality reporting and statistics on raw data(Next Generation Sequencing
data) |
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Tag-based Read Separation |
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mRNA Sequence / Expression Profiling by Tags(Digital Gene Expression) |
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Gene Expression analysis |
GEO・Affymetrix Microarray・immumina Data Import |
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Transformation and Normalization / T-tests・ANOVA・FDR corrected |
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Heat map / Histogram / Scatter plot・MA plot・Box plot・Volcano plot |
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Clustering algorithms
(hierarchical clustering, k-means, Partitioning Around Medoids(PAM)) |
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Gene Set Enrichment Analysis(GSEA) / Annotation tests(the Gene Ontology
or KEGG) |
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Traditional Expression Arrays Analysis / Digital Gene Expression Analysis |
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RNA secondary structure |
Secondary structure prediction / Graphical view and editing of secondary
structure |
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Tabular view of structures and energy contributions |
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Symbolic representation in sequence view |
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BLAST searches |
BLAST searches / Web-based sequence search using BLAST / Create lacal BLAST
databeses |
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Table view of BLAST results / Graphical view of BLAST search |
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Database searches |
GenBank Entrez searches |
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PubMed lookup / Web-based lookup of sequence data |
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UniProt searches(Swiss-Prot / TrEMBL) |
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Protein analysis |

Integrated 3D molecule viewer1 / Simultaneous view of sequences in 2D and
3D |
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Hydrophobicity analysis |
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Antigenicity analysis / Protein charge analysis / PEAM domain search |
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Reverse translation from protein to DNA |
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Proteolytic cleavage detection, Prediction of signal peptides(SignalP) |
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Transmembrane helix prediction(TMHMM) / Secondary protein structure prediction |
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Primer design |
Advanced and automated primer design tools / Detailed primer and probe
parameters |
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Support for Standard PCR / Nested PCR / TaqMan® PCR / Sequencing primers |
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Alignment based primer design / TaqMan® probe design |
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Assembly of sequencing data |
Advanced contig assembly / Importing, viewing, and editing trace data |
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Trim sequences, Assemble without use of reference sequence |
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Assemble to an existing contig / Viewing contigs, Editing contigs |
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Molecular cloning |
Advanced molecular cloning |
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Graphical display of in silico cloning |
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Advanced sequence manipulation |
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General sequence analysis |

Linear sequence view / Circular sequence view / Text based sequence view |
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Adding and editing sequence annotations |
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Sequence statistics |
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Local complexity region analysis |
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Advanced protein statistics |
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Comprehensive protein characteristics report |
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Nucleotide analysis |
Basic gene finding / Reverse complement without loss of annotation |
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Advanced interactive restriction site analysis / Translation of sequences
from DNA to proteins |
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G/C content analysis and graphs |
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Sequence alignment |

Multiple sequence alignments(Two proprietary algorithms) |
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ClustalW / Muscle / T-Coffee / MAFFT /Kalign |
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Advanced re-alignment and fix-point alignment options |
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Advanced alignment editing options |
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Consensus sequence determination and management / Conservation score along
sequences |
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Sequence logo graphs along DNA, RNA, and Protein alignments/ Gap fraction
graphs |
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Pattern discovery |
Search for sequence match |
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Search for sequence match / Pattern discovery |
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Motif search for basic patterns / Motif search with regular expressions
/ PROSITE patterns |
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